Learn To Recruit The Best Salespeople
Learn To Recruit The Best Salespeople
Using the CTS profile, I am saving time by not having to interview the non-qualified candidates. When I do get a high score, then I know it is someone who has the characteristics to be successful in sales.
“So often the job of hiring is a rushed event and not given the attention. We plug a hole. Steve’s approach is easy to follow and its simplicity almost forces you to use it. Not only did I learn about the applicants, I learned about myself and some of the hiring mistakes I am prone to make. Steve’s process helped me hire the right person, not the one I liked, or who laughed at my jokes.”
After years of study and practical application, I have discovered a “best practice” recruiting system that answers the question, “Can They Sell?” This system is tied to the knowledge of human behavior, which, when used in recruiting, then becomes the foundation for coaching the members of your sales team. In this book, you will find a process with tools and skills needed for selecting the best from the rest.
Only one of your last three recruits lasted a year. You’re frustrated – they looked good and sounded good – but they couldn’t sell.
Steve Suggs — Co-Owner of Sales Manage Solutions. Veteran sales recruiter, author and speaker. Keep Reading
Lance Cooper — Founder and CEO of Sales Manage Solutions. 35+ years as sales management trainer. Keep Reading
“God didn’t make many great salespeople, this book will help you find out where they are hidden! Steve Suggs in “Can They Sell” has packed a career’s worth of experience hiring top salespeople into a practical guide. I have personally worked with Steve, adopted his recruiting strategies and tools, and seen the quality of my hiring decisions continue to increase.”
Glenn Frazier
“I promise you, this information is new and comprehensive. You won’t find it anywhere else. Great books always have an author who has persevered and overcome countless challenges. Steve’s disciplined focus to create best practices for sales managers is unlike anything I have ever witnessed. In this book, Steve gives you all the answers you need to find and select top-performing salespeople. No, it’s not simple and it’s not intended to be. Simple doesn’t work when building champion teams.”
Robert Terson
“12 months ago we were making our sales hires with a primary focus on intuition and measurable sales skills. Now, thanks to the proven system Steve teaches in this book, we’re able to look at all 5 dimensions of each candidate – taking the guesswork out of our hiring process. This book/system has totally transformed the way we recruit and hire salespeople, giving us the tools we need to hire people who are actually wired and motivated to do what we do. Couldn’t be more pleased with the results.”
Eric Holeman
“This is by far the best hiring process out there. Steve wrote the book out of necessity, he has been through it and there was nothing out there for him to learn from. I felt the same way until I read the book, he also has a field manual which has all of the questioning you will need for phone interview, email, etc.”
Josh Bolduc
“The price of the book does not do it justice because the value from the book is worth 100x times the price. To support each idea, the author shares real-life examples from his experience in hiring and working with companies. In my opinion, Steve Suggs’ proven track record makes this a valuable book for sales managers.”
Mark Hunter
“I knew that I needed to improve my interviewing skills but didn’t know where to turn. This book gives a step by step process to hire a salesperson. Before I bought the book I communicated with some of Steve’s past clients and they all gave him rave reviews. Between the book and the workbook I know I will be able to make a great hire.”
Cynthia Fletcher
“If you are in Sales Management, do yourself a favor and read this book. And then read it again. If you aren’t using these metrics and techniques when making sales hires, you might get lucky and hire a quality salesperson who will excel…but odds are you won’t. In this book, Steve offers a step by step process that screens and identifies quality candidates that are likely to be the sales superstars your organization needs.”
Pat Curtsinger
“Every once in a while something comes along that challenges conventional wisdom. In this book Steve Suggs has done just that. For years I have been using and evolving a recruiting and hiring process that has served me fairly well. Conceptually it is not much different than that which the author describes in this book. Where the difference comes in, is the “Recruit the Best” system relies on the science of well crafted questions aligned perfectly with a Personality Questionnaire, whereas my process relied heavily on my experience and gut instinct. It’s as if Steve took my old process and placed it on steroids. If you are a sales manager this is a must read and implement – Kudos Steve!”
Bill Hoos
Can They Sell ($24.95)
A “best practice system” for recruiting and retaining the best salespeople.
Field Manual –
SalesPerson ($99.95)
Printable Interview Questionnaires & Tools – Companion to the book.
Field Manual – Service Person ($24.95)
Interview Questions & Tools for Servicing Team Members
Audio Book ($24.95)
Learn to Recruit the Best with this .mp3 version of the book. Listen while you work out, drive, whatever!
CTS SalesProfile
Order a Sales Personality Profile on your candidate.
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