If you are interested in earning this certification, first complete this form and we’ll contact you with more details about the next steps.
This badge was issued to Test Candidate on May 1st, 2024.
This certification has been issued and verified by SalesManage Solutions, LLC.
The badge issued did not validate as authentic. Please contact the badge owner or SalesManage Solutions for help.
Issued by SalesManage Solutions, LLC.
Sell with CLASS!™ Certified Experts learn to adapt to customer values through their knowledge of the 4 primary customer value patterns in the buying process. They become skilled at contacting and developing rapport with their customers by identifying how people like to communicate. They excel at asking discovery questions, listening to their customers’ needs and problems, advising them with customized solutions and plans, solving their needs and problems to remove concerns, and ultimately securing business, satisfaction and referrals.
If you are interested in earning this certification, first complete this form and we’ll contact you with more details about the next steps.