FAQ—Sales Recruiting
Can you help us build our sales team through recruiting?
Sales Manage Solutions has a time-tested sales recruiting program called Recruit The Best.™ This program is a complete sales recruiting system, complete with candidate sourcing training, a screening and interview process (complete with suggested multi-layered questions), and a sales assessment that tests for traits, sales skills and learning style. The assessment is called the CTS Sales Profile™ and the Learning style assessment is the Learning Style Survey.™ Both have been in use for many years, with hundreds of thousands of candidates having completed them. In addition, SMS offers training in on-boarding and setting initial goals and processes for new recruits.
Tell us more about the CTS Sales Profile and the "Can They Sell" book and the RTB system.
We have an entire web site dedicated to the CTS Sales Profile and the system and methodology behind it. You can find that site here: CTSSalesProfile.com.
If you are interested in the book, “Can They Sell?,” it is available for purchase on this site. It outlines not only the assessment and the recruiting system, but also helps you understand the basic philosophy we teach, which includes using a recruiting system, objective analysis, and layered interviewing for character, attitude, and motivation.
The book is written by Steve Suggs, co-owner of Sales Manage Solutions and 30+ year sales recruiting guru. Sections of the book are also included from Lance Cooper, founder and CEO of Sales Manage Solutions.
We can't find enough good sales candidates. So many of our applicants do not do well on the assessments.
Our Recruit The Best™ training and system not only helps you filter down to the best sales candidates with good character and the necessary traits — it also helps you fill your sales sourcing pipeline to bring higher quality prospects to the top of the recruiting funnel.
For a good overview of how our sales-sourcing process works, we offer this free 17-page E-book on sales sourcing. Also, if you like the e-book and send us a request, we will send you the accompanying 11-page workbook for sales sourcing. Here is where you can get the E-book: “Find The Best Sales Candidates.”