How Do Salespeople Remain Relevant?
Salespeople remain relevant to a buyer depending upon how well they practice the consultative sales process. In theory, a sales conversation “can be” 100% relevant if the steps below are…
Salespeople remain relevant to a buyer depending upon how well they practice the consultative sales process. In theory, a sales conversation “can be” 100% relevant if the steps below are…
Today, It was my privilege to interview a seasoned veteran for a new sales job. As I listened to his answers to my rather “structured interview,” I began to learn…
… if they were on straight commission without incentives, goals, or directions? Three Answers 1. “As much wood as a woodchuck would if a woodchuck could chuck wood.”…
Ah … maximum productivity and results??? The driven question. Results come from activities. Activities leading to results are steps in a system. A system contains a person working a process…
Research scientists have found “Social Drive” to be a core characteristic for high performing sales reps. The scientists who create validated personality profiles may use different terms for being socially…
Goal-Orientation: Personality Trait #1 in High-Activity Salespeople (for sales cycles less than 90 days) Is your team motivated to achieve timely results or to steadily pass the day? TARGETS •…
TAKES THE GUESSWORK OUT OF RECRUITING … Increase your ODDS of finding a great salesperson or sales manager by 10-15 times over traditional methods of interviewing and reference checking. Use…
“What makes a GREAT sales trainer? Ah … the makeup … personality? character? talent? skills? knowledge? attitudes and beliefs!!!! Attitudes and beliefs make up the most important part of a…
Can product knowledge get in the way? YES! A friend and past mentor, Ron Willingham, once told me that all salespeople sell with some type of focus. That focus can…
Most companies do not know how to do find a “talent fit.” And, here are reasons why: 1. They do not know the top six traits in order of priority…