
Much is unknown in small business, and in many large businesses, concerning the powerful impact of assessments in selecting exceptional sales representatives. In our experience with thousands of companies, we’ve found that many just do not know that validated assessments, when used in combination with other recruiting tools, have been proven to be an invaluable aid for selecting the best salespeople. Yet, they provide numerous benefits that enhance the ability to attract, hire, and retain top-tier sales talent.


It’s easy to see why assessments, particularly those used for recruiting salespeople, often face a lack of trust and utilization for various reasons. Some individuals do not trust the scientific validity of assessments. Skepticism may arise due to a lack of awareness about the rigorous research and validation processes that underpin well-designed assessments. This skepticism can lead to the dismissal of assessments as expensive, unreliable, or irrelevant tools in the recruitment process.

Secondly, organizations may have tried using assessments in the past, such as those based on simplistic models with four personality types, only to find that they did not effectively identify salespeople who excelled in their roles. This disappointing experience can erode trust in assessments and create a perception that they do not help in the selection of successful sales professionals.

Lastly, the lack of knowledge and understanding about assessments can contribute to their underutilization. Hiring managers and recruiters may not be familiar with the different types of assessments available and:

  • Their purpose.
  • Where they are best used in the recruitment systems.
  • How they can be effectively integrated into hiring.
  • The way they increase onboarding success.
  • How assessments aid in the ongoing coaching of existing reps.

This knowledge gap leads to a reluctance to adopt assessments as a valuable tool for evaluating sales candidates.

To address these challenges, we have found it to be crucial to educate and certify organizations and recruiters about the scientific basis and best practice use of our CTS Sales Profile and Learning Style Survey. This involves providing information about the research methodologies used in assessment development, explaining the predictive validity, and demonstrating how the CTS and LSS are best used side-by-side with structured interviews and other selection methods to identify sales talent effectively.

Now, let’s look at 5 ways assessments can benefit your recruitment efforts.


By using assessments as an objective stop, recruiters maintain high standards and ensure the quality of their recruits, even under the pressure to fill positions quickly. Recruiting the right sales professionals can be a challenging endeavor, plagued by biases, misinterpretations, and the need to fill positions quickly. However, research has shown that incorporating scientifically validated assessments into the recruitment process can significantly improve outcomes.


A research article in the Journal of Business and Psychology highlights the role of assessments in mitigating the phenomenon of impression management by candidates. The study emphasizes that “impression management can distort the accuracy of selection decisions,” and incorporating assessments can help recruiters see beyond the facade (Conway et al., 2021).

By relying on data from assessments before conducting face-to-face interviews, recruiters gain valuable insights into candidates’ true capabilities and compatibility. They are able to strengthen what they ask in the interview, guard against impression management, and make a more informed hiring decision.


Psychometric tools, backed by scientific research and validation, accurately measure a candidate’s personality traits and cognitive compatibility with a specific sales position. This enables organizations to make informed decisions and select candidates with a higher potential for success.

Research conducted by the Sales Management Association states that “the use of psychometric assessments in sales hiring has been shown to improve the accuracy of predictions related to sales success” (Sales Management Association, 2020).


Assessments, like the CTS Sales Profile, provide valuable recruiting and coaching reports that facilitate effective onboarding. A research study published in the Journal of Sales Research highlights the significance of personalized onboarding programs. The study found that “tailoring initial training programs to align with individual strengths and development areas significantly improves sales performance” (Johnson & Smith, 2018).

By leveraging the insights provided by assessments like the CTS, organizations can design training programs that cater to each new sales representative’s unique needs, accelerating their path to success.


Assessments like the CTS Sales Profile are instrumental in facilitating successful ongoing coaching. Research published in the Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management emphasizes the importance of understanding individual preferences and tendencies in coaching. The study states that “personalized coaching approaches, informed by assessments, lead to higher performance outcomes for sales representatives” (Rogers et al., 2017).


As we think through these  5 benefits, we can see how validated assessments, like the CTS Sales Profile, can revolutionize the recruitment process by safeguarding against biases, increasing predictability, expediting onboarding, and enhancing coaching success. As you integrate this sales assessment into your recruitment strategy, you gain a significant advantage in attracting, hiring, and retaining exceptional sales talent. So, take this knowledge and leverage it to transform your sales culture and achieve unprecedented success.

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